About us
Who we are?
In Today’s demanding business climate, finding the right people for every vacancy can be a challenge. Modern Star, with its growing list of reputable manpower suppliers makes it easy for you to find the right talent for any job-when you need it. Modern Star provides staffing solution in the fields of Construction, Engineering & marine, information & technology, according & administration, Sales & marketing, hotel & tourism, medical & hospital and even domestic services, our available Contact ensure that you save time money and resources when you need highly skilled, semi skilled and unskilled employees. Mind you that you only one contact for all staffing needs, please call Modern Star (P.) Ltd.
Modern Star oferă soluții în materie de personal în domeniile Construcțiilor, Ingineriei și Maritim, informației și tehnologiei, conformitate şi administrație, al vânzărilor și marketingului, hotelier și al turismului, al serviciilor medicale și spitalicești și chiar al serviciilor interne, contactul nostru disponibil asigurându-vă că în acest mod economisiți timp, bani și resurse atunci când aveți nevoie de angajați de înaltă calificare, semi-calificați și necalificați. Vă rugăm să ne comunicați printr-un un singur contact toate nevoile de personal, rugându-vă să apelați Modern Star (P.) Ltd.
To further enhance our recruitment process, provide excellent customer services and supply quality people with attitude
To exceed our customer expectation by providing value added assistance which will build harmony fair Treatment, respect and create a sound “work of choice” to our clients.
To promote integrity, respect, unity, team work within human resources.
This company is fully committed and capable to accomplish certain projects within the allocated time and meet the exact requirement of the clients . This trend has been going on since the very inception and shall carry on forever.